This site is an offspring of Cheapcures. The author divided the topic into: plantcures and Big Pharma and Hospitals. As of now cheapcures look cluttered where topics on food, toxicity, traditional Western cures, natural cures, are all gathered in one site.
New, modern, western medicine is such a welcome development for the modern world. However, allegedly R and D costs have driven up costs of medicine and health care. To the point that there are patients never see a doctor nor have taken up Western Medicine because they could not afford to do so.
Half of the world, most of them in Asia live on less that $2.00 per day, yet health care costs can only be afforded by citizens of USA who have health insurances. China India and Thailand take care of their citizens in much cheaper way. US and European big pharma are in confrontation with authorities of India (and possibly China ) over patent infringements, and they are accused by Westerners for looking the other way while Intellectual Property Rights are being blatantly violated. And yet their authorities must be congratulated for making meds affordable for its people
The medicines in the PHL are one of the highest in the world, and regulators in the PHL are alleged to be under the payroll of the Western Pharma. It is no wonder that in 90s the Generic Law was passed. to bring down the cost of meds. However, due to the example of a big hospital in QC, and many others have followed suit, since they are serving med tourists from US, have been charging more and more. I have learned that a two day stay in the hospital will set you back, without the surgeons and PF by nearly a hundred thou.
Does your MD take MD kickbacks?
Drs. want more and more. Hospital owners want more. And I regret sometimes, that as a professor of business adminin in a GSB, I have always harped on opportunity seeking and seizing. However, health care has an even more compelling social and service component.
The universal health care of Thailand, the Aravind Hospital, and Dr. David Shetty of India show us the way. The US and their Filipino counterparts must be reminded.

Which are the big causes of mortality and morbidity in US?
America's biggest killers

Take note of the deaths from medical errors and unintentional injuries. The combined total of the two would be 300,000. If we speculate the inintentional injuriies could be wrong operations mistakes in operations/surgeries, then we may conclude (albeit wrongly) that many of the deaths in US are man made avoidable, and are due to current big company facilities (errr hospitals) Something must be wrong in US health care system and needs correction soon.
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