Increase in number of autism in USA

From healing your children - relation between vaccination and autism
Talk about pesticides, pharma drugs with side effects, controlling sale and distribution of food supplements through Codex Alimentarius or vaccines that are laced with metals. Talk about autism related to vaccinations.
You are right. When there is a problem, there is an opportunity. And diseases is a big opportunity for big pharma and hospital
Disease is big business and pharmaceutical corporations are cashing in on the destruction of health worldwide. Akin to their sinister forbearers at IG Farben, who were convicted of crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trails, today's pharmaceutical corporations are now perpetuating genocide on a global scale.
Millions are spent funding candidates from both political parties ensuring that no matter who is in office the laws enacted favor them. Pharmaceutical firms contributed $1,995,384 on the Obama campaign alone. These corporations purchase, sorry, "fund" not only the government officials, but also most of the institutions who are supposed to safeguard the public health, which means all of these institutions have been affectively subverted. In fact the major pharmaceutical firms and their corporate partners in crime fund everything from medical schools to the American Dietetic Association to United Nations sponsored programs like Codex Alimentarius (international agreements controlling production and distribution of food and supplements).
Companies like Monsanto
have not only been profiting from the poisoning of the people of the
world, (giving us dangerous products like agent orange and aspartame,)
but have been for many years buying and working in partnership with
major pharmaceutical firms and therefore also profit on the treatment of
the symptoms caused by their poisons. One pharmaceutical company
purchased by Monsanto in 1985 was G.D. Searle & Company. Donald
Rumsfeld was CEO of G.D. Searle & Company at that time and he played
a major role in Monsanto's acquisition of the company. Searle is now
Many medications and vaccines
potentially cause more problems than they solve. This is not a side
effect, this is part of how big pharmaceutical companies make their
money. There is far more money in keeping patients dependent on
expensive drugs than there is in curing them. If a drug causes more
illness, (particularly one which seems unrelated,) the new symptoms must
then be treated. The more problems a patient suffers from, the more
drugs you can sell them. These companies are pushing the deadliest and
most addictive substances known to man and they do it legally.
Vaccines are out and outright toxic. Here is just a short list
of some of the chemicals and heavy metals commonly found in many
vaccines: formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, aluminum
sulfate, sorbitol, bensethonium chloride, and phenol. Some vaccines
such as GalaxoSmithKline's Havrix for hepatitis A contain diploid cells
from aborted fetal tissue. In addition there are the vaccines which get
accidentally, so they claim, contaminated. Oops, was that bird flu we
put in there?
New studies
are connecting the skyrocketing autism rate with vaccination. Is it
any wonder that children are suffering from the effects of as many as 36
toxic shots by the age of five in America, 20 in the UK and 26 in
Australia? If vaccines protect your child, how is it possible that of
the three countries listed the USA has the most vaccinations and also
the highest child mortality rate under five? I personally know a young
couple whose beautiful vibrant two year old daughter died due to
complications from her vaccination.
fear of a pandemic alone is enough to generate major profits for the
big pharmaceutical companies. A new vaccine or treatment is advertised
and governments, hospitals and even common people will stockpile the
medication out of fear of infection. Each time the media plays up the
new pandemic flu, be it bird or swine, the big pharmaceutical firms
laugh all the way to the bank.
Doctors who speak out against dangerous drugs are put on hit lists .
Merck had a list of doctors who were to be "neutralized" or
"discredited" because they had criticized the painkiller Vivoxx (now
withdrawn from the market.) Those Doctors who play ball with the major
pharmaceutical corporations and prescribe large enough quantities of a
company's drugs may receive "incentives."
healthcare is under attack. Anything which cn not be patented and
controlled by the big pharmaceutical firms, such as herbal remedies and
vitamins, are being legislated out of existence. Codes alimentarius
plays a key part in this assault on nutrients, by reclassifying them as
toxins and limiting the amount you can get with or without a
prescription. Further legislative impediments to nutrition include the
American bill H.R. 875 which seriously threatens organic farming and can
only result in more ill health. Such a prohibition on nutrients and
quality foods will likely result in a resurgence of easily preventable
diseases such as scurvy. Codex Alimentarius Standards
those with a healthy body, the pharmaceutical pushers industry has a
drug for you anyway. Got the blues? Got worries? Medicate them away.
Even new mothers are a target. The Mothers Act seeks to assess the mental health
of women before they can take their babies home. How many will be told
they need to take mood altering pills if they wish to retain custody of
their children? (Ron Paul has introduced HR 2218, the Parental Consent Act, to battle mandatory mental health screening and forced medicating of children.) The
same sort of mood-altering medications are all too often prescribed to
foster children. These are also the same type of drugs which are now
frequently being connected with cases of suicide and mass violence,
including school shootings.
The actions of the pharmaceutical industry are nothing less than criminal. In 2004 a complaint
was submitted to the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague
accusing the major pharmaceutical companies and many of the key
government officials they fund of genocide and other crimes against
humanity as well as war crimes. Among the accused are: the CEOs of
Pfizer, Merck, GalaxoSmithKline and Eli Lilly from pharmaceutical
industry and George W. Bush, Tony Blair, John Ashcroft, and of course
Donald Rumsfeld from the political arena.
While the western world is kept busy looking for terrorists in their trash bins, the pharmaceutical corporations continue to endanger the health of billions with
impunity. Now is the time to act before Codex Alimentarius comes into
full effect, before organic food has been legislated out of existence.
Boycott toxic vaccines. Support alternative medical practitioners.
Take your health and well being out of the hands of profiteers.
of the usual footnotes I am listing all the researchers, filmmakers and
authors who pointed me in the direction of the information above and
not only those whose work would normally be referenced in direct
conjunction with the information in this article. These
footnotes are not only an acknowledgment of the scholarship of the
people listed below but also sincere thanks for their contributions
towards the education of all humanity. Thank you:
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