Exposure to toxins, pesticides increase the likelihood of diabetes by 200%. Even exposure to plastic packages which contain phthlates makes getting Type 2 diabetes a very near possibility.
But taking simple home remedies can lower your blood sugar for practically nothing:
What are those remedies:
1. cinammon,
2. turrmeric
3. okra,
4. Asi tava.
Yet doctors, FDA and other health workers would not reveal this to you. Dr. Stengler reveals this to you.
And today... I’m exposing everything.
Independent research has found a shocking LINK between common toxins in our environment – especially pesticides and plastic byproducts – and type II diabetes.The most amazing part? Our own government knows all about it.
How am I so sure? Because THEY did the studies!
Amazingly, a 2008 study by our own National Institutes of Health established that workers who had prolonged exposure to pesticides were associated with up to a 200% increased likelihood of diabetes.
And a Centers for Disease Control study of 2,350 women released just this past year found a surprising link between a toxic substance called phthalates...which are found in medicines, perfumes, cleaning products and a bunch of other stuff in your house right now... and getting type II diabetes.
This hard science suggests that these – and other toxins we
are exposed to all the time – disrupt vital chemical processes
in your blood... leading to diabetes.
Now, if you’re wondering how this bombshell got overlooked, prepare to be outraged. You see, it turns out this isn’t even new information.The government has been paying compensation to military veterans who were exposed to pesticides and then developed type II diabetes for more than 12 YEARS.
That’s right, our government knows it too... Diabetes can be caused by toxins we eat, breathe and absorb.
And they’ve known for more than a DECADE.
But if you’re expecting a surgeon general press conference any time soon... Well, here’s the smoking gun.Type II diabetes is a $26 BILLION cash cow for Big Pharma... and that’s estimated to DOUBLE in the next decade alone.
And since 1992, the main funder of FDA executive and employee salaries has been...
you guessed it... the pharmaceutical industry.
Ever heard that old saying
“Don’t bite the hand that feeds you”?
Why would the FDA do anything to hurt its own funding? And then why
should we be surprised the government is covering up this bombshell?That not only are environmental toxins linked to type II diabetes... But...
Diabetes can easily be removed from your system by a simple, natural treatment that costs only pennies!
In fact, Dr. Stengler’s powerful solution has helped so many of his patients overcome diabetes they say it feels like the disease was literally flushed from their bodies...Gone for good.
Just ask Jennifer Ehrlich. Jennifer is a 65-year-old from Los Angeles who came to see Dr. Stengler to treat her type II diabetes. Dr. Stengler immediately put her on his powerful anti-diabetes protocol. This is an all-natural detoxification formula combined with an extract from a weird shrub that has been shown in studies to be as potent and effective as the best selling diabetes drug... but without the side effects!
Imagine her surprise when...
Jennifer saw her blood sugar PLUMMET by 80 points
in just ONE MONTH.
She no longer has diabetic levels.... and she uses no medication. Thanks to Dr. Stengler, Jennifer’s diabetes is CURED.And it’s so easy when you know what to do. Now, let this be your story too. Get off insulin for good and stop living the diabetic nightmare... Today, you can finally make it a reality.
Dr. Stengler wants to give you the full details of his
diabetes-reversing formula
That’s why he’s outlined his innovative diabetes treatment program for you in his massive 9-volume Natural Healing Library.It’s all his most valuable cures and disease solutions... And, today, I’ll tell you how you can get them free, with his most sincere compliments. It’s his way of pushing back against the medical myths, blunders and outright lies the mainstream is shoving down our throats every day.
And Dr. Stengler never shies away from the big fights. He names names and even takes on corporate America’s most sacred cows.
Like this stunner... one of the biggest DECEPTIONS in corporate medical history. Yes, new studies confirm it...

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